Hotels in Bregaglia

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Hotel Restaurant Lagrev

Isola 11, Bregaglia

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Hotel Stampa

Casaccia, Bregaglia

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Hotel Restaurant Pranzaira

Hauptstrasse 366, Bregaglia

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Albergo Piz Cam

Str. Principale 36, Bregaglia

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Hotel Stüa Granda

Via Principale, Bregaglia

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Schweizerhaus Swiss Quality Hotel

Strada Cantonale 360, Bregaglia

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Hotel La Soglina

Strada principale 100, Bregaglia

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Maloja Palace

Strada Cantonale 424, Bregaglia

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Maloja Palace Residence

Strada Cantonale 424, Bregaglia

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Garni Post

Via Principale, Bregaglia

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Casa unifamiliare Pongello

Pongello, Bregaglia

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Hotel & Restaurant Longhin

Hauptstrasse 40 a, Bregaglia

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Maloja Club House

Strada Cantonale 416, Bregaglia

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Maloja Sport

Hauptstrasse, Bregaglia

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Sporthotel Maloja

Hauptstrasse 6, Bregaglia

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Hotel Pöstli

Hauptstrasse 24, Bregaglia

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Hotel Fanconi

Spino, Bregaglia

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Chesa Alpina, Maloja

Via Principale, Bregaglia

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Pra d'Sura (Utoring)

Pila 42b, 7516 Bregaglia, Switzerland, Bregaglia

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Most popular hotel deals Bregaglia

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Each client who makes a reservation with us in the object you are interested in Bregaglia, our company will give a 10% discount on any excursions and ski passes. We are official partners of hotels, so booking through us is profitable, reliable and safe.

If you want to come to Bregaglia, you can book and choose a hotel room at All prices for accommodation in Bregaglia hotels are indicated in rubles. is an online service for searching apartments, hotels and lodging where users can find offers of interest to them in Bregaglia. Bookings through the website are made directly and without intermediaries.

You can pay the cost for hotel accommodation using a bank card without commission. It is also possible to choose the "payment on arrival" method, without prepayment. When booking a room, you pay directly to the hotel.