
Little Cayman

Brief information about the Little Cayman

Little Cayman Little Cayman from the Atmosphere Little Cayman map Little Cayman is one of three Islands. It's found in the Caribbean Sea, approximately 60 miles northeast of Grand Cayman and five miles (8 km) west of Cayman Brac. Little Cayman is undoubtedly the with a permanent population of about 190 and yet another 40-50 residents that are part-time.

Nearly All the people are employees from Philippines, Jamaica & Honduras and from Latin American nations as well as Canada, USA, India, South Africa, France, Germany, Scotland, and England. There are a handful of local compromising of around 20.

It's about 10 miles (16 km) long with an average diameter of 1 mile (2 km) and the majority of the island is undeveloped. The entire island reaches sea level. The maximum altitude is about 40 feet (12 metres). Little Cayman is famous for its excellent Snorkeling, scuba diving, Bonefishing and birdwatching, wildlife habitat that was unspoiled along with atmosphere.

Despite its small size, the island hosts a heritage festival and festival as part of Pirates Week, (1st week at Nov.) along with the annual LC Agriculture Show (April 24th 2020) which all occur on all three Islands, however in various dates at that same month, (except for Little Cayman Agriculture show).